CBS Training

Powerful Words That Persuade & Convince

Lunch Topics minutes 1 minute
If you want to write to convince others with your ideas… or influence superiors, co-workers, staff, customers towards your intended direction with just words, then ‘written persuasion’ is a skill you cannot do without. For one day, the “Magnetically Influential Writing: Persuade & Communicate Impactfully With Only The Words You Write” course reveals the strategies to develop in yourself the mentality of a persuasive writer… and have you learn the tools/techniques to apply into your written materials (such as proposals, reports, newsletters, emails, marketing/sales collaterals, online/blog posts etc) for maximum persuasion. By applying these concepts, the advantages are multiple and far-reaching. For instance, workers and staff use written persuasion in their day-to-day internal company communications to form closer relationships with their co-workers. Executives use the power of written persuasion to influence superiors to accept the ideas in their written proposals. Sales & marketing professionals use written persuasion to create convincing written materials and pieces that bring in more clients & profits. Overall, the benefits of having this skill permeate to many aspects of one’s professional life.