CBS Training

Lunch and Learn

The Lunch and Learn Program is a dynamic initiative designed to enhance employee development and engagement during lunch breaks. These sessions, also known as “Brown Bag” meetings, can be conducted in-person or virtually through platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, offering flexibility to accommodate various workplace environments.

What is the Lunch and Short Talks Program?

A Lunch and Learn session is a training or educational seminar held during lunch breaks, allowing employees to gain new insights without interrupting their workday. The program is designed to be informal and voluntary, creating a relaxed atmosphere that encourages participation and learning.

Benefits of Lunch and Learn Programs

  • Convenient Learning: Employees can enhance their skills and knowledge without taking time away from their work tasks. These sessions fit seamlessly into the workday, maximizing productivity
  • Team Building: Sharing a meal and learning together fosters a sense of community and collaboration among colleagues, strengthening team bonds.
  • Variety of Topics: The flexibility of the program allows for a wide range of topics to be covered, from professional development and industry trends to personal growth and wellness.

Topics for Lunch and Learn Sessions

  • Professional Development: Skills training, industry updates, and career advancement tips.
  • Health and Wellness: Stress management, healthy eating, and mental health awareness.
  • Personal Growth: Time management, financial planning, and work-life balance.
  • Technical Skills: Software training, cybersecurity awareness, and technology trends.

The Lunch and Learn Program is an excellent way to invest in your employees’ growth and create a culture of continuous learning. By utilizing the lunch hour effectively, you can provide valuable education and foster a more engaged, knowledgeable, and cohesive team.

Exciting lunch Topics  

  • Speak so that others will Listen!

    In communication, your voice is your asset! Is your voice sweet and alluring or deep and resonating? The good news is that you can train to speak in an attractive and interesting manner and style – through proper training, to maximize the use of your voice! This Seminar Is for YOU if: – You want […] Read more

  • How to speak Good English 101.

    Speaking clear and concise English is an essential skill that everyone in the workplace should have for effective communication. You will also learn the differences between written and spoken English and understand the correct voicing for commonly mispronounced words. Read more

  • Good English, Bad English or Somewhere In-Between.

    When we talk about language, we mean speech (spoken language), or writing (written language). Of course, speech is spoken and heard, while writing is written and read. This seminar focuses on writing speeches in a language that is written to be heard. A rhetorical device uses words in a certain way to convey meaning or […] Read more

  • Build Personal Mastery & People Mastery to Inspire Growth in Others

    The application of personal mastery is key to living an effective life and having a successful career. Personal Mastery is the process of living and working purposefully towards a vision, in alignment with one’s values and in a state of constant learning about oneself and the reality in which one exists. Read more

  • Brain-hacks To Double Your Productivity

    If you want to get ahead professionally as well as in life, then you might be interested to know that in the past decade, brain studies and communities of experimenters have found little things one can do – to unlock different powers of the mind to accomplish more in life.   These little things are […] Read more

  • Powerful Words That Persuade & Convince

    If you want to write to convince others with your ideas… or influence superiors, co-workers, staff, customers towards your intended direction with just words, then ‘written persuasion’ is a skill you cannot do without. For one day, the “Magnetically Influential Writing: Persuade & Communicate Impactfully With Only The Words You Write” course reveals the strategies […] Read more

  • Resilience: The Key to Career Success

    Resilience is vital for leaders who typically have to deal with everything from challenging projects and conflict among colleagues to office politics and personal criticism on an almost daily basis. It is our personal resilience that helps us to thrive and grow in difficult circumstances. Read more

  • Influence with Authority

    When you communicate with the right dose of authority, others will: – Find you more believable – Trust you more – See you as more credible – Be more compliant to your request In “Influence With Authority”, you’ll learn how to infuse yourself with authority and confidence while communicating with people – that will have […] Read more

For more information about the Lunch and Short Talks Program or to suggest topics, please contact our Learning and Development team at or call us at 62789785

Join us for our Lunch and Short Talks Program and make the most of your lunch break with learning and networking opportunities!