Mr. Patrick O’Brien, CMgr

With a constant appetite for change, Patrick came to realise one very important thing; it’s the People that matter in With a constant appetite for change, Patrick came to realise one very important thing; it’s the People that matter in business, their personal development & growth counts.
His approach to learning is reflected in his facilitation during delivery; it focuses on building & strengthening an individual’s “soft skills”. This leads to Training that’s designed to scaffold on top of three firm foundations.
First, learning needs to be fun for it to stick; enjoyment & engagement are precursors to absorption & adoption. Next, it has to be sufficiently real to be relevant; it needs collaboration, openness, creativity, and, a little intensity. Finally, it must match Participant expectations to be valuable; it has to substantially deliver what it states “on the tin”.
Patrick therefore designs Workshop experiences that masterfully combine Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) with a deep Coaching mentality. Both are invitingly interlaced using Improvisational techniques. His diverse background and experience also allow him to facilitate inclusive and valuable learning moments. These are highly engaging, deeply empowering, and, thoroughly enjoyable.
His life’s journey has straddled different countries, continents & cultures, from Ireland and England, to New Zealand and Singapore. He’s worked his way through a variety of roles & levels in the corporate world, from Individual Contributor up to Managing Director. And, he has built considerable business experience whilst working across sectors such as government, technology, manufacturing, finance, consulting, aviation, telecommunications, and the Internet.
His formal education is well rounded: at Honours-level in IT, Masters-level in Marketing, and, an MBA in Finance. He is also a “Master Practitioner” of NLP, and an enthusiastic author with Articles appearing in the local media. In whatever form you experience his work, you’ll always feel his curiously cheerful sense of enjoyment; it just shines through.
Patrick is an active member of many international Professional bodies, such as the Chartered Management Institute, the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and the Institute of Directors. He is proud to be one of only a small handful of “Chartered Managers” in Asia.
With a warm Irish wit, a love of the “craic” and a big beaming smile, audiences in over twenty-five countries have found his disarmingly, unpretentious, and conversational approach to learning, to be a refreshing & rewarding experience.