Raj has served almost three decades of his career in the civil service, specialising in areas of Criminal Intelligence gathering (Police Intelligence department), Investigation into anti-counterfeiting, and other specialized crimes (Criminal Investigation Department).
Raj also has a distinguished career with the Health Sciences Authority (HSA), Singapore. During his tenure as a regulator, he was involved in overseeing field enforcement activities, surveillance, seizure management, and coordinated efforts with other law enforcement agencies (LEAs). His accomplishments included several successfully prosecuted landmark cases involving rouge medical practitioners and counterfeit medical devices.
His working relationship with international organizations is excellent and dates to 2011 when he was a co-trainer for Interpol and has presented the challenges of pharmaceutical crime to law enforcement agencies in the Asia Pacific Region for several years.
Raj is currently The Pharmaceutical Security Institute’s Regional Director (Asia Pacific) where he is working towards improving and strengthening relationships between governments and the pharmaceutical industry whilst carrying out capacity building and training for law enforcement agencies in the APAC region.
When called upon, Raj also lectures in the Department of Pharmacy, at the National University of Singapore and consults for the United Nations of Drug Crime.