CBS Training

Skillsfuture course schedule

skillsfuture minutes 1 minute

SkillsFuture Credit encourages individual ownership of skills development and lifelong learning. Introduced in 2015, all Singaporeans aged 25 and above will receive an opening credit of S$500.

As part of efforts to encourage Singaporeans to take ownership of their skills development and be well-equipped to seize opportunities in the future economy, a one-off SkillsFuture Credit top-up of $500 will be provided to every Singapore Citizen aged 25 years and above as at 31 December 2020.

course schedule

On average, there will be TWO schedules for any course in a month. For the sake of accuracy, you can check our website

or please consult our Client Support Officer and she will advise you on the course schedule. Email us:

Centre for Behavioural Science has over 380 courses under 12 competency domains, please email us if you cannot find the wanted course at our website