CBS Training

Brain-influencing Secrets: Practical Methods To Persuade & Convince Others

Keys to Persuasive Communication -Brain influencing secrets to trigger “Yes” response in people

What is the Hidden Science Behind Persuasion and Get People to Say the ‘Yes’?

Did you know there are “Brain-Influencing Secrets” you can use in everyday situations… that will have you convince people to say ‘Yes’?

The reason why a person can frequently get what he/she asks for… versus someone who cannot – simply lies in the fact that the former knows how to obtain more ‘Yes’ from others.

The course covers scientific discoveries (Neuro-Persuasive Communications) of new communication keys one can use to appeal to other people’s brains… and encourage them to be more agreeable. By applying these keys, many have benefitted tremendously in their daily lives.

For instance, salespeople are able to convince their customers better and rake in more sales & profits… Workers are able to establish deeper rapport with their peers/colleagues at work and form more cooperative bonds with them… Employees are able to communicate their ideas across more efficiently to their boss and get higher recognition in return.

In this course, learn the latest persuasion tools (backed by actual examples/cases) where you can apply in everyday scenarios – that will have you get more cooperation, agreement and positive compliance from people.

Key Takeaways


  • Secrets to convince people (including those who are hard-to-persuade) in everyday work/life situations
  • An easy-to-use sentence that has been tested to effectively get 2 times the ‘Yes’ and agreement to a request
  • A real-life case study of 2 professionals persuading their boss on the same idea… 1 got approval from the boss but the other didn’t. Discover the subtle secret that won the approval
  • A question you need to ask before attempting to persuade another person… that will make him/her easier to persuade
  • How to convince others to say ‘Yes’ to any huge decision that requires them to take a big giant leap
  • 3 simple techniques to exude a ‘convincing personality’ that will have others listen to you
  • #1 key to persuade others to quickly take the action you want them to take instead of having them procrastinate or dilly-dally with the decision
  • Scientifically-tested words that have been shown to successfully persuade and double the compliance from people
  • Over 20+ real-life examples/strategies of the most brilliant, sharpest (even notorious) persuasion minds that show you how to turn ‘no’ into ‘yes’

“What I like about Tylus’ workshop is that the way he teach is in point form, it’s very systematic compared to other workshops I attended. Most other workshops give you a big picture but they don’t show the step by step how it is done. And for Tylus, he gives you a step by step of how it can be done and it is very practical.”
Bellum Tan, CEO, Richdad Asia

“Tylus’ never give up spirit has spurred and inspired many people. He is an iconic role model for his positive attitude and strong determination. Despite his success, he was tremendously humble and eager to learn. I truly believe this is the secret to his success – a deep passion for whatever he does. It’s not about his success, it’s about something beautiful he possesses in his heart that truly blesses everyone around him.”
Merry Riana, Founder, Merry Riana Organization

When I listen to Tylus, I receive many ‘moments of brilliance’ every few minutes. It is the very satisfying feeling of knowing I had learnt some really useful things. I like Tylus’s practical approach and encourage anyone to indulge in what he knows.”
James Lee, Business Developer

“I am very happy that I attended Tylus’ course and he gave me a lot of insights and knowledge.”
JC Lin, Power of Numbers Academy

Target Audience

This course will benefit

  • Managers at any levels
  • Executives
  • Bankers
  • Business Development Executives
  • Lawyers
  • Purchasing agents
  • Marketing Professionals
  • Advertising Professionals
  • Sales Team & Supervisors
  • P.R, Customer Relationship & Service staff

Neuro-persuasion expert – Mr Tylus Lim

Tylus has advised and helped sharpened the marketing and sales campaigns/materials for companies spanning over 30 different industries. He has guided companies’ sales teams, SMEs and major corporations in uncovering hidden opportunities and breakthrough ideas, that result in significant increase of their bottom line, business revenues and profitability.

An obsessed marketing enthusiast, Tylus spsent over 15 years learning, real-life testing and applying just about every marketing method and idea known to man. These vast experiences had in turn helped to uncover what truly and repeatedly works in sales & marketing.

Tylus is also an entrepreneur and founder of various businesses. He oversees the people and management of his businesses by actively applying productivity and work-optimizing strategies to generate growth and profitability. From that experience, as well as joint-venturing/connecting with a diverse variety of people from different industries, he has identified patterns that can limit or plateau professional and personal growth, as well as patterns that can substantially maximize one’s potential to bring in optimal personal success as well as professional success in one’s career. Tylus’s extensive list of corporate clientele include Singapore Armed Forces, People’s Association, Rotaract Club of Singapore, SAFRA, Nanyang Polytechnic, Star Cruises, MCYS etc. He also conducts in-house training for corporations, hospitality and service industries, large and small organizations, associations and statutory boards.