CBS Training


Moving Artificial Intelligence from Dark Art, to Daily Ally

AI inevitably brings in change, yet ordinarily Humans tend to not like change.  With inbuilt cognitive biases lurking away in the background, we’re comfortable as we are.  These encourage us to cling onto old, unproductive behaviours & beliefs.

When confronted with new challenges, our minds habitually prefer to apply existing approaches to solve them.  Moreover, where change is thrust upon us, resistance is the mind’s more common reflex action.

The real challenge that’s surfacing is not AI per se, but how we think about AI.  Are we able to embrace a Mindset that enables us to realise its maximum potential?  Herein lies the problem; because AI is relatively new, few have a good sense of what AI is, how it works, and what it might be able to.

Aristotle told us that “Mother nature abhors a vacuum”, and because of that, many catastrophise over AI; we fill our heads with often unfounded fears.  That’s the challenge that this practical Workshop aims to tackle.

We want you to explore AI through the keyboard, to start viewing changes that AI brings from close in.  This will allow you explore some of its Tools, to see what things are (and are not) with considerably more granularity.  It will enable you to get to know AI better, to take on more informed perspectives of consequences & possibilities it affords.

Ultimately, the aim is to help you forge a new, more productive Mindset For AI.

This Workshop therefore takes an emotionally intelligent approach to AI. Our focus is built around a belief that AI affords us a wide range of new approaches to solve old problems. We further believe that embracing it as a “helping hand”, to engage with it as our own personal amanuensis, is a safe next step. We’ll also see that when choosing to use it in this manner, we can begin to mould our Mindsets and enable AI to seriously enhance both our productivity as well as our creativity.

Course Objectives

Our intentions are to help build an AI Mindset that enables you to enhance personal productivity & creativity, by knowingly applying AI tools in your daily practices.  Because Hands-on practice is key to the approach adopted on this Workshop, it’s important that you bring along an Internet capable Laptop or  rather than a Tablet or Smartphone.

You’ll use the knowledge shared and skills practiced developing new insights into what AI means for you.  You will find that the practical approach will provide you space to consider just how straightforward it can be to incorporate AI into your daily routines, thus enabling you to start to feel more at ease, and, much more comfortable around it.

Emotional intelligence sits well at the heart of this soft skills Workshop, as you move the focus of attention away from external consequences from the onrush of AI, inside to things you can do now to bring it within your control & power.

Course Outline
  • Demystifying what AI is & what it isn’t
  • Recognising the power of an AI Mindset
  • Clarifying the Role of Generative AI Models
  • Exploring ways to Generate Text Responses
  • Exploring ways to Generate New Visual Imagery
  • Leveraging AI Tools to Solve a Business Problem
  • Considering Ethical aspects related to use of AI
  • Reflecting on Implications for use in Business
Who Should Attend

This one-day Workshop acknowledges that for many, the rapid approach of AI Technologies can be a little unsettling, whilst for a few others, it can feel a little scarier.  We all experience those vulnerabilities in different ways, and this Workshop knowingly immerses you practically & safely in the use of AI and some of its associated Technologies.

Therefore, if you are a business professional, executive, or manager who has little to no knowledge of AI, and soon needs to use AI or to make decisions in relation to AI, then, this Workshop has been designed for you.  It will open your mind to the application of AI so that you can feel more confident when dealing with these Technologies

  • The course is engaging and insightful
  • Workshop helped me overcome my AI fears
  • An eye-opening experience into the world of AI
  • Good balance between theory and useful practice
  • Hands-on with ChatGPT & Dall-E, its damn shiok man!
  • I can now use AI to help me be more efficient, and be in control
  • Like the challenge, quite fun to think and apply what we learn
  • I loved practical applications discussed during sessions
  • I’m very satisfied and glad that I chose this course
  • Workshop very interactive, never feel bored
Facilitation Approach for Learning

This is an experiential Workshop, which emphasises engagement, interaction, and practice. Participants should expect short presentations that introduce content, experiential activities for skills practice, and group discussions for reflection that deepens their learning.

It is an exceptionally practical Workshop too, one that has been designed around significant hands-on practice of a range of AI Tools.  To achieve this, Participants must all use their own Laptop; the Tools and Activities are not designed to work through Smart phones.  Remember to bring along your Power cord, and you will need access to your email too.


Mr. Patrick O’Brien, CMgr

With a constant appetite for change, Patrick came to realise one very important thing; it’s the People that matter in business, their personal development & growth counts.

His approach to learning is reflected in his facilitation during delivery; it focuses on building & strengthening an individual’s “soft skills”. This leads to Training that’s designed to scaffold on top of three firm foundations.

First, learning needs to be fun for it to stick; enjoyment & engagement are precursors to absorption & adoption. Next, it has to be sufficiently real to be relevant; it needs collaboration, openness, creativity, and, a little intensity. Finally, it must match Participant expectations to be valuable; it has to substantially deliver what it states “on the tin”.

His life’s journey has straddled different countries, continents & cultures, from Ireland and England, to New Zealand and Singapore. He’s worked his way through a variety of roles & levels in the corporate world, from Individual Contributor up to Managing Director. And, he has built considerable business experience whilst working across sectors such as government, technology, manufacturing, finance, consulting, aviation, telecommunications, and the Internet.

His career began in an intensely technical field, building Computer Operating Systems and Applications. Those software engineering foundations positioned him well.  Today he still develops “Operating Systems”, but these are for the human mind. His soft skills energies are directed towards enhancing human behaviours; how we feel, think, choose and act.

His formal education is well rounded: at Honours-level in IT, Masters-level in Marketing, and, an MBA in Finance. He is also a “Master Practitioner” of NLP, and an enthusiastic author with Articles appearing in the local media. In whatever form you experience his work, you’ll always feel his curiously cheerful sense of enjoyment; it just shines through.

Patrick is an active member of many international Professional bodies, such as the Chartered Management Institute, the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and the Institute of Directors. He is proud to be one of only a small handful of “Chartered Managers” in Asia.  He is a Fellow of the BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, and a “Chartered IT Professional” (CITP).