Too long, too short. Too detailed, too brief. Common frustration from chairpersons and bosses who wonder why their minute-taker just can’t seem to scribe the nice and nuanced touch. This is particular so in the sensitive environment of an organisation where sensitivities and interests of stakeholders are a demanding additional dimension to consider.
DR SUNNY GOH – note-taker, staff secretary, meeting member and board chairman – has been on both the giving and receiving end of such complaints and compliments in minutes-writing. He has witnessed long meetings where discussions could have filled pages of meaningless minutes, as well as brief meetings where critical comments were discarded. It takes just a day and a minute for this compressed workshop to show you how to write with confidence and clarity; yet not missing a beat in proficiency and professionalism.
Confusion over past and present tenses, reported speech and attribution and a host of meeting madness will be dealt with using real examples and samples. Minutes need not be boring even if meetings are!
And because you come from a sizeable agency, the needs to prepare a meeting well; understand the atmospherics at a meeting; and follow-up duties after the discussion become a key concern for many note takers. This workshop will address all of these issues and provide useful ‘hacks’ to short-cut the tedious process.